Saturday, March 27, 2010

Burrrrrrrito Wars

Most Bostonians can easily answer the question, "Boca Grande or Anna's Taqueria" without pondering for even a second. I used to say, Anna's, hands down! But, after a recent last minute decision to actually perform a true comparison, I am now confident that the better Burrito is at Boca. Shocking, I know...

A couple of weeks ago, we bought two burritos. To make things fair, we ordered the same basic chicken burrito at both establishments. Regular tortilla, rice, pintos, extra 'salsa', hot sauce, cheese and chicken. Also, we got extra salsa for each.

We took these giants home, cut them in half, and devoured. As it turns out, not only was Boca the cheaper Burrito (about $7 versus about $8, with a salsa side for each) but it was the tastier one. It seems there was something smoky and yummy about the tomatoes that just was missing in the Anna's burrito. Overall, although Anna's burrito was yummy (and I will continue to eat them), we realized why we are always ordering extra salsa to go with it... It's sort of bland without it. The Boca burrito, on the other hand, was notably more interesting in the ole boca.

Kind of like the breakfast war in Somerville, the burrito war is a real thing.

According to the ever-trusted authority, wikipedia:
"Boca Grande was founded in 1986 by Mariko Kamio. The restaurant was modeled on Gordo's Taqueria, a successful San Francisco restaurant owned by Kamio's cousin. Mariko's brother, Michael Kamio, briefly joined the restaurant before founding his own chain of restaurants, Anna's Taqueria."

"The first Anna's Taqueria was founded by Michael Kamio and located in Brookline's Coolidge Corner in 1995 after a disagreement with his sister Mariko Kamio."

Rumor has it that the family feud continues. But, the competition, I can appreciate. My taste buds are pleased :). Either way, it's s gastronomic success-- just remember extra salsa at Anna's!! Oh yeah, and one extra bonus point goes to Boca Grande, where you can use a credit card. Anna's, on the other hand, remains a cash only business.

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